汉斯·季默 Hans Zimmer演唱會歌單

准备好迎接汉斯·季默 Hans Zimmer下一场演唱會和歌单2025



过去40场演唱会中汉斯·季默 Hans Zimmer演奏最多的前10首歌曲.






汉斯·季默 Hans Zimmer 可能在2:33后登台. 根据以往演唱会演唱的曲目,以下是这次最有可能演出的曲目 (69% probability):

  1. The World Of Hans Zimmer - A Symphonic Celebration cover The Dark Knight
  2. The Dune Sketchbook (music From The Soundtrack) cover House Atreides
  3. Inception (music From The Motion Picture) cover Mombasa
  4. Live cover Wonder Woman Suite
  5. Man Of Steel cover What Are You Going to Do When You Are Not Saving the World?
  6. The World Of Hans Zimmer - A Symphonic Celebration cover Gladiator
  7. The World Of Hans Zimmer - A Symphonic Celebration cover Pirates of the Caribbean Suite
  8. Interstellar cover Interstellar
  9. The World Of Hans Zimmer - A Symphonic Celebration cover Kung Fu Panda
  10. Sherlock Holmes (original Motion Picture Soundtrack) cover Discombobulate
  11. 再一次 #1

  12. Dune: Part Two (original Motion Picture Soundtrack) cover A Time of Quiet Between the Storms
  13. The World Of Hans Zimmer - A Symphonic Celebration cover The Last Samurai Suite
  14. Xperiments From Dark Phoenix (original Score) cover X-MDP
  15. Dunkirk (original Motion Picture Soundtrack) cover Supermarine
  16. The Dune Sketchbook (music From The Soundtrack) cover Paul's Dream
  17. Live cover The Lion King Suite
  18. 再一次 #2

  19. Live cover No Time to Die Suite
  20. Inception (music From The Motion Picture) cover Time

汉斯·季默 Hans Zimmer 巡演地图 2025

跟随 汉斯·季默 Hans Zimmer 环游世界,探索可以看到 汉斯·季默 Hans Zimmer 巡演的地方
即将在以下国家举办 43 场音乐会 比利时, 加拿大, 捷克, 丹麦, 法国, 德国, 匈牙利, 爱尔兰, 瑞典, 瑞士, 阿拉伯联合酋长国, 英国, 美国, etc.

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  1. My Heart Will Go On (Dialogue Mix) - includes "Titanic" film dialogue
  2. A Gift Of A Thistle
  3. My Heart Will Go On - Love Theme from "Titanic"
James Horner Photo

James Horner

  1. The Hanging Tree
  2. A Close Friend
  3. Eptesicus
James Newton Howard Photo

James Newton Howard

  1. Arrival to Earth
  2. Autobots
  3. Tessa
Steve Jablonsky Photo

Steve Jablonsky

  1. Now We Are Free
  2. He's a Pirate
  3. The Medallion Calls
Klaus Badelt Photo

Klaus Badelt

  1. Fairytale
  2. Only The Beginning of The Adventure
  3. A Narnia Lullaby
Harry Gregson‐Williams Photo

Harry Gregson‐Williams

  1. The Avengers
  2. I'm Forrest... Forrest Gump
  3. Portals
Alan Silvestri Photo

Alan Silvestri

  1. Boogie On The Beach
  2. Rocketman
  3. Don't Crucify Me
Red Elvises Photo

Red Elvises

  1. The Glory Of Love
  2. Hope (Xavier's Theme)
  3. Superman Returns - Main Titles
John Ottman Photo

John Ottman

  1. Carol of the Bells
  2. Duel of the Fates
  3. Hedwig's Theme
John Williams Photo

John Williams

  1. Bundle of Joy
  2. Married Life
  3. Le Festin
Michael Giacchino Photo

Michael Giacchino

  1. Test Drive - From How To Train Your Dragon Music From The Motion Picture
  2. Romantic Flight - From How To Train Your Dragon Music From The Motion Picture
  3. Where No One Goes
John Powell Photo

John Powell

  1. Concerning Hobbits
  2. The Shire
  3. The Council of Elrond (feat. "Aniron") [Theme for Aragorn and Arwen]
Howard Shore Photo

Howard Shore

  1. First Class
  2. A Thief's End
  3. Taking a Stand
Henry Jackman Photo

Henry Jackman

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