Franky Rizardo演唱會歌單

准备好迎接Franky Rizardo下一场演唱會和歌单2024


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但是... 这是Franky Rizardo在演唱会中最有可能演唱的前10首歌!

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  1. Rippin Kittin
  2. Tell Me Again - The Golden Boy Remix
  3. The Promise - Extended Version
Golden Boy Photo

Golden Boy

  1. Coming Home
  2. I Got Nothing
  3. Heartache
Ferreck Dawn Photo

Ferreck Dawn

  1. Space Bass
  2. House 2 Heal
  3. No Way Out
Sidney Charles Photo

Sidney Charles

  1. Element, No. 10
  2. Escape from Oblivion
  3. Chubby Chubby Chip Chip
Mark 'TDK' Knight Photo

Mark 'TDK' Knight

  1. Heart of Afrika
  2. Heart of Glitter
  3. Two Left Feet (feat. Öhrn) - Dario D'Attis Extended Remix
Dario D'Attis Photo

Dario D'Attis

  1. The Cure & The Cause - Radio Edit
  2. Hey Hey - Jack Back Remix
  3. The Cure & The Cause - Dennis Ferrer Remix
Dennis Ferrer Photo

Dennis Ferrer

  1. Asking
  2. Mind Still (feat. blythe)
  3. Never Be Alone (feat. Sonny Fodera)
Sonny Fodera Photo

Sonny Fodera

  1. I Feel Love - Illyus & Barrientos Remix, Shorter Edit
  2. VSR
  3. When You Gonna
Illyus & Barrientos Photo

Illyus & Barrientos

  1. Be Sharp Say Nowt - Edit
  2. Whisper (feat. Raphi)
  3. Make Me Happy (feat. Might Delete Later)
Patrick Topping Photo

Patrick Topping

  1. Remember (feat. Stevie Appleton)
  2. Keep On
  3. All or Nothing - Edit
Danny Howard Photo

Danny Howard

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